Estimated Market Value of your Vehicle

Who doesn't inform themselves, takes the risks to loose thousand of Rands.
Through and our partners, you will obtain the market value of used cars from experienced professionals. Our partners have extensive experience in the nationwide used car market. Our trained professionals evaluate any car brand and model quickly and accurately. Firstly, establish an estimated market value with our online car valuation tool. Within minutes your can establish the value of your model. You only need to enter the brand, model, year, type, condition and mileage of your car.
Secondly, a specialist inspects and assesses your used car during free appointment. After obtaining an estimated market value of your vehicle, you can book an appointment free of charge with one of our partners in your area. After the inspection of your car our partner makes an offer for your car and prepares a purchase contract. If you like the offer, you can sell immediately and get the agreed price paid. All other formalities such as the de-registration of your car will done promptly through our partner.
So, use's service to determine the current value of your used car! There are no costs and you take no risks. Car sales can be so easy!